I know that Hallmark created this day just to make more money off of the world, but I truly do have some great people in my life that deserve this special day dubbed just for them. Not only for me, but for my son as well. Braden is a very blessed little boy, not many kiddos can say that they have as many grandparents as he has to shower him with love; he has 5 great grandma's, 3 great grandpa's, 4 grandma's, and 4 grandpa's still alive and with us and all of them love him dearly! Now, not all of them celebrate this day quite like the Shelledy's do, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve their props at being just as awesome. We started off the day by heading out of town to my Granny's house where we celebrate with the Shelledy crew. My mom, stepdad, aunts, uncles, and cousins all piled in her place for a fantastic meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, mac-n-cheese, salad, rolls, and hot apple pie with ice cream. It was an All-American meal and we loved every morsel of it! Just as a little thank you for being such great special grandparents, we get my mom (from Braden) and Granny (from me & Braden) a special little gift. This year we bought mums for their fall flower planting :) We enjoyed the afternoon playing outside with all of the kids - we played ping-pong, basketball, keep away, kid-style washers, Frisbee, and Steph & Nick even ganged up on me...I believe we heard "quit wrestling" a few times...but hey, at least we took it outside and weren't doing it in middle of the living room floor - ha! ;)
After a great afternoon of spending time with the Shelledy clan, we headed out to meet Grandmother & Granddaddy Walker (Braden's great-grandparents) for a small dinner. We had a great visit with them...though I did have to arm wrestle granddaddy to pay for the tab, I kept saying it was grandparents day, and kept saying that there was no way I was paying. The sweet little girl at the cash register was kind enough to take my card instead - heheheheehe! I love that they want to take care of us, but it was our day to treat them! We had a great visit, and then headed home for the evening.
What a great day! What awesome grandparents we have in our lives, and even though it is a "commercial" holiday, I still love and want to honor these special people in our lives. So, (Great) Granny, (Great) Grandpa Jack & Nancy, (Great) Grandpa Burton & Pat, (Great) Grandma Allee, (Great) Grandmother & Granddaddy Walker, (Great) Mema Millie, Grandma Jancey & Papa John, Grandma Paula, Grandpa Steve & Grammy Mellody, and Grandpa Mark & Grandma Julie - we love each and every one of you and cherish you and want to say thanks for all you do all year long for our family, you are all truly treasures in our lives!

Grandma giving Braden her "thank you so much, I love you bunches and bunches" kiss!
The beautiful mums up close and personal!
Some of the grandkids (Kaylea, Alyssa, Braden, Austin, and Emma)
Me & Braden enjoying some family time - and NO he isn't too big to sit on my lap yet! ;)
Me and my beautiful Granny on Grandparents day, she is the most awesome lady in the world, we have learned from the best right here how to love, treasure, and treat your family!
Me and my awesome mom! She learned the ways of family from the fabulous woman pictured above and has passed along those lessons to me, I just hope to be half the mom as both of these women are!

Me about to bite Nick because he is picking on me - ha! I just had to throw one of these in there!