Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Artist!

As a pre-school graduation present, Braden received this easel from Great Granddaddy and Grandmother Walker. He hasn't stopped drawing pictures since we brought it home Monday evening. Here he poses with the swimming dolphin he drew this evening. Now he is working on another masterpiece :)

The Uniform!!!

Isn't he cute in his t-ball uniform. He lOVES it so much he asked me if he could sleep in it tonight - ha! The team takes pictures this Saturday, the 31st of May, once I get my hands on those I will post them here to show him off. Doesn't he look like such a BOY!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

T-Ball Time - Practice

Yep, it is T-ball time! Braden is playing t-ball this Spring, and so far, after one practice, he thinks it is going to be an "AWESOME" season. There are three little girls on his team, and they seem to hold their own pretty well, Olivia is a very small girl, but has lots of determination, and she doesn't seem to get to far from Braden, I think she has a little crush on him - she is the little girl holding the bucket watching Braden in the above picture :) Braden is learning to catch and throw the ball in a team atmosphere, he seems to do pretty good, I will post the t-ball schedule as soon as I know more!
This is Braden with his coach and a couple other teammates. As you can see, he is MUCH taller than the kids around him, that was the theme for the day, the Coach Mike kept calling him "Big Guy". Also notice, Olivia is standing right next to Braden :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Preschool Graduation - Performances of a Lifetime :)

Braden's class sang a song called There's a Dog in the School, daddy caught the performance mid-show, but what he did get is adorable, so I thought it was great to share with everyone else - it was a sure crowd pleaser!
The ceremony ended with the cutest song of Kindergarten here I come, which Josh didn't catch all of either, but it is a cute song none-the-less.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Braden's Graduation - Boone Preschool 2008

Can you believe it - my little boy has finally made it through preschool and is ready to start kindergarten next year. I cannot believe that I will be sending him off on a bus in a few short months to school! He did such a good job singing his songs wearing his graduation cap. He was very proud of himself, as he should be, and as we are. After the ceremony we did presents and had dinner with those who were able to come and enjoy the ceremony - if you can actually call it that with it being a preschool graduation. Although I have to say, I was extremely suprised that the gymnasium was packed for 35 five year olds to be graduating - there was lots of proud parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and many many more that packed the house I guess. Braden looked so much like his dad in his cargo pants and button up shirt - what a handsome little man!