Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Camping

I have lots of pics for this post! We had a blast, needless to say, celebrating the 4th of July in 2009! Our family all got together for some traditional camping fun in the sun...or rain, whichever was happening at the time :) We headed out and set up camp on Thursday and packed up and headed home Sunday afternoon. The rain didn't stop us though - we were out there on the Niangua River floating downstream on Friday, and then out in the boat all day and night on Saturday, as well as throwing a suprise 50th (yep, I said 50th) birthday party for Aunt Jenein Saturday morning. I think the pictures speak for themselves, look at all the fun had by all!
~Saturday's Float~

Nick playing with Braden in the tube...it was tied to a rope and Nick would loosen the slack and let Braden float down stream, and then pull him back up...Braden thought it was hilarious!

Braden enjoying his ride in the tube...man that water was COLD on the river!

He also enjoyed his time in the canoe too :)

Braden and Steph enjoying themselves floating down river, broken foot and all, she still got out there on that tube in that cold water!

The Allee's on the float Friday morning

~Aunt Jenein's 50th B-day Celebration~ It is backwards, but Grandpa Jack is holding up the BIG 5-0....to us it looks like 05, but we know what he is trying to say :)

Aunt Jenein and her "over the hill" decorations Saturday morning when she woke up, we suprised her with a little shin-dig

She is so special, that she gets TWO cakes...one that says she is "older than dirt" and the other one so that we had enough cake to go around (and it was a yummo carrot cake!)

Aunt Jenein and her favorite three people in the whole world...okay, maybe not she loves all ofus, but they sure are special to her...Kaylea, Alyssa, & Braden

~Saturday Boating Fun~ This is Alyssa, Braden and Kaylea playing in the water before the big fireworks display Saturday night

Kaylea being a pro on her wake board...look at her, one handed and all!

Kaylea mid-air swimming off the boat Saturday evening

Diana didn't feel like swimming, the water was a bit too cold for her, but that didn't stop her from enjoying herself out on the boat Braden jumping in the water Saturday, he doesn't look at graceful as Kaylea above ;)

Alyssa isn't as graceful either, I got a shot of her falling off the back of the boat too...that one is blurry though, this is a better shot of her acting goofy!

Alyssa tubing, this is right before she wiped out...I love this shot!

He loves boat riding! I cannot say I blame him, it is one of my favorite things to do as well when we go camping!

Braden, Kaylea, & Diana enjoying the boat time out on the water, they look like they are having a blast :)

More swimming time for Kaylea and Braden...they are like fish, I don't think they can ever get tired of that water!

Braden anxiously waiting for the fireworks to start!

Baseball Pic

As promised here is Braden's baseball pic for the summer of 2009. Baseball is over, but we didn't get the pictures until last week, the day before the final game. I just thought I would show off his cute little smile :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Firework Fun at Home

This evening was Braden's final baseball game of the season, and I told him if he had a good game, that we would stop off at a firework stand and buy a couple of fireworks for him to let off in the driveway at home this evening since we won't be home on the fourth or able to buy and set of fireworks this year (we will be camping - no fireworks allowed in the grounds). He had an awesome game, he hit two home runs and was loving it! So, on our way home, we stopped by Sonic, and then to the fireworks stand. He picked out his array of approved fireworks and we headed home. He ate faster than I have seen him eat in quite some time...for some reason they don't think about the fact that they have to wait until the parents are done eating too, but oh well :) After our bellies were full we headed outside for him to be able to have a bit of fourth of July firework fun. We pretty much got things he could light and do himself, so that means NO big BOOM type fireworks, but he just loved doing what we did get. Here are some shots of him lighting and playing with the fireworks this evening:

Look at my big boy, give him a punk and he can light all of his own fireworks!

Again, lighting his own fireworks - look at the smoke!

There was lots of smoke bomb fun going on, my driveway is scared ;)

...and more smoke bombs

...and yet again more smoke bombs, why do boys think these are so cool?

Daddy got into the sparklers - isn't he cute - hehehehe!

He is so tired, but dead set on lighting up the driveway!

Wildcats Baseball Banquet

Last night Braden's baseball team had its end of the year banquet. The boys all received their trophies and pictures, as well as ate pizza and then played games in the arcade room. The boys were in heaven, the arcade room was equipped with four to five flat screens hooked up to Wiis, X-box 360s, and Playstation 3s; plus there was ski ball and basket ball and stuff like that. They had a blast playing together...generally when the boys are all together like that they are either practicing ball or actually playing ball, they don't really get to goof around like that together, so it was nice for them to just be able to play with one another. It was a nice evening for the boys. I will scan in Braden's baseball pic soon and add it to the blog. All in all, it was a great night, here are some cute pics from the evening.

Braden getting his trophy and pictures

Braden and the boys were playing a racing game on the Wii, I just love Braden's face in this pic :)

Ski Ball - this is my favorite thing to play in an arcade!

Daddy even got in on some Ski Ball fun :)

Braden and coach Mike before we left for the evening. He is such a patient coach!

Father's Day 2009

I know, I know. I am a bit late on this post, but I have been a busy girl! I just thought I should get this one up before we went camping for the fourth of July and it got lost in the midst of all of the camping pics I will post next week -ha! Josh and I decided to hold the first Father's Day celebration at our house this year. We have never really had the space or ability to put on a bar-b-que for family before, but this year we decided to get all the dads together and have a celebration at our place. Josh's dad and Stepmom, my dad and stepmom, little sister Dana, little brother Brett, and Aunt Debby and Uncle Dave all came over to celebrate the great guys in our lives and enjoy good company and good food. We barely saw Brett and Braden, they were off playing the entire time...we did manage to get them rounded up for dinner, but other than that they were off playing! It was a great afternoon, and an end to a fabulous weekend. We love all of you fabulous dads out there...that includes my hubby too :)

Dad and I

Josh and Steve (his dad)

Braden and Brett, this is when they disappeared downstairs to play on the X-Box

Dana and Dad, she painted him that awesome pic Dad is holding

Uncle Dave and Aunt Debby, aren't they cute :)

Steve & Mellody (Josh's s-mom and dad)

Dana (my little sister) and Julie (my stepmom)