Thursday, August 19, 2010

Purdy, Purdy Flowers!

Okay, so I know this isn't a typical "Allee Family" type post, nothing going on with the family...but I do have to say, I am SUPER proud of my flowers! Yep, that is right, I said F-L-O-W-E-R-S! Let me preface this with a little story.
Two days ago I had a lunch meeting here at work with several other gals in the office. Business was done but we were still sitting there chatting not wanting to get back to our offices. We were talking about the normal things: family, vacations, weather...which lead to talking about it raining. I had no idea it was raining here Tuesday, and when I expressed my excitement on the rain so I didn't have to go home and water my flowers the ladies were astonished that I had flowers to go home to at all. I was hearing, "Oh my gosh, you have flowers left to water!" and "Wow, my flowers died weeks ago when the heat index rose to over like 115 degrees!" and "I just have some green leaves and twigs left to water!" "How on earth do you have anything left this season to water?!" You get my point. HELLO, I have gorgeous flowers to go home too. Granted, when the heat index was CRAZY for those several weeks, I didn't just water my flowers every day (yep, they were astonished that I watered every single day), I watered them twice a day; once in the morning before heading off to work, and then when I got home in the evening after dinner was done and cleaned up.
Call me Corny, I know I am totally ate up because I love my flowers so much, but that is why I have these...and everyone else's seem to be dead or on a downhill slope heading that way. So this means only one thing, I have to show off my beloved blooms!

My Impatience growing like crazy! Terri says she gets to take credit for their beauty as well, she helped me pot them at the end of Spring and has been my stand-in "waterer" when I am away on weekends. They look gorgeous!

Pretty Hibiscus pretty!

Another Hibiscus bloom, just a different color. I actually took my kiddo off the background on my computer desktop and replaced it with this pic of my flowers - ha! :)

My Wandering Jew I searched high and low for to no avail...this one my mama picked up for me and brought up to KC when she visited earlier this summer. It is huge and absolutely fabulous if you ask me! :)

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