Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Boy Scouts Camp 2010

Braden attended Boy Scouts camp the last week of June, and boy did he come home with some stories of all the things they did...shooting bows, rifles, sling shots; making memory stones, tie-dye tshirts; learning to walk a monkey bridge; and many other "working together" activities to learn the skills of being a good and patient boy scout. Braden just loves boy scouts, and the camp was a great ending for this years round of scouting. One of the Scout leaders took along a camera and shared some pics with us that were taken of are some pics of his good time being a boy scout.

Monkey Bridge - I am not familiar with this, but apparently it is WAY awesome! Those two "railing" ropes are attached to a single rope on the bottom which they have to walk across without falling off.

Listening intently at the shooting range before handed a rifle, I am loving the eye protection there, but he didn't seem to mind, he just wanted to shoot that target. He says that he wants to go hunting with daddy this season - WHOOOAAAH, too soon for that, but I didn't burst his bubble just yet, ha!

The results of shooting...not bad really for a 7 year old!

Aren't they adorable - so proud of their shooting abilities. By the way, all the boys had the camo was part of the boys scouts deal, but Braden choose to wear his bright orange Browning hat (just like his dads) that he got for Christmas this past year. Made him easy to spot in the pics - hehehehehe! See what I mean by easy to spot? He is in the background doing his own thing...but I spotted him right away with that orange hat on. This is mostly posted because my little Scout has his hat on backwards and reminds me so much of his dad in this picture, posture and all! Making their "Memory Stones"...I haven't seen Braden's in final form yet, it is still with the Scout leaders and will get them at the next meeting - but he is super proud of it. He had a fishing lure that he put in it, but he only put its tail in and the head sticking out so that it wiggles, he thought that was hilarious and cannot wait to show us - ha! All in all, I think it was a success!

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