This past Friday evening, we celebrated Christmas with Terri, Olivia & Ethan. We did this by eating pizza, making and decorating cookies, and opening presents - what could be better really! Terri and I have the best kids ever, they had a blast, and Terri and I had a blast watching them! What a great thing to do with your kids, the kitchen may be a mess, but look at the smiles on those faces - how precious and priceless!!! Here are some pics of the kids enjoying their time together to bring in the holiday!
Just what he wanted- BIONICLES!!! Such a boy ;)
I got to buy a pretty glittery pink Barbie pony for Olivia - she is just too darn cute, and I loved buying the girly stuff!!!
Give a boy a GI Joe and a smile will appear on the face, too cute!!!
Cute faces and smiles...the mess was SO worth it!!!
Ethan was so adorable, he was too little to roll out his dough by himself, so instead he decided to take his hunk-o-dough, break it in cookie size pieces and just eat it raw - mmmmm, mmmm good! We ended up throwing away his dough rather than rolling it out...he had a blast while it lasted though -ha!
Braden got into using the cookie cutters and doing his ALL by himself! He was insistent that he roll out his own dough - which eventually needed a bit of help from mom, but other than that, he did it all himself and I just had the duty of snapping pics!
Decorating time - he is SO proud of this gingerbread man he decorated! Aunt Dana was very proud of it too, she thought he did a fabulous job of decorating his cookies.
Olivia passing off her cookie as complete, who could ask for more than icing and a blob of red and green mixed on top ;)
The kiddos hard at work - so much fun!
Again...kiddos hard at work! Dana had to work Friday evening, but as soon as she got home, she and Braden sat down to decorate MORE cookies!
I know they are hard to see because of the crazy tablecloth, but here are three of Braden's masterpieces! He did such a great job!
Ethan and Olivia's masterpieces!
Terri showing off her Christmas presents...the pink star jammies and her pretty argyle socks!

Me showing off my reindeer antlers - yes I did wear them ALL night! :)