Tuesday, December 22, 2009

He is a Bobcat!

As many of you know, Braden has begged and begged Josh and I to let him join boy scouts. He hadn't been able to join until he entered first grade, by boy scout rules, so he couldn't do it until this year. Braden hadn't been able to be active until this past month due to his football schedule and other commitments, but now he is going strong with the organization. He LOVES it! As does Josh really ;) In one weeks time, Braden was able to earn his Bobcat badge...I am not sure what that all entails really since this is something Braden and daddy do together, I just know that it is a big honor, and that Braden was recognized at last Thursdays Pack meeting. He received his badge along with me being presented with the mother pins for his achievement. This is big stuff boys and girls, I had no idea it was so involved, and that it included the mom's participation as well, I almost didn't go to the pack meeting until anther mom of one of Braden's friends who happens to be in the same Den as Braden mentioned it to me her a couple of days ago. His Den was presented to the whole Pack and then Braden and I were presented with his honors - because lets face it, I might have the pin, but Braden definitely earned it. Josh and Braden have been working very hard the last couple of weeks on getting Braden caught up, and in fact he surpassed several other boys who have been doing this boy scout thing for four months now. Josh says that it helps that we are such an active outdoorsy family, and that Braden is just whizzing through with flying colors! Braden's Den also earned the Spirit Stick for the month. They won the "Decorate Your Den Leader" competition, and they were so proud! Last but not least, he received the Pine Derby wood kit last Thursday...Braden and Josh are super stoked to start carving that silly thing and putting it together, they have high hopes of making it far in the Derby competition...stay tuned for January's boy scout update...that will have the Pine Wood Derby results!
Braden and I getting his honors at the Pack meeting

Braden's achievements were aplenty, his had to be presented in a baggie!

Decorating his Den leader...see the shinny red bulb near the toes!

Braden's pack with their Den leaders after winning the Spirit Stick competition...such a great job!

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