Monday, January 26, 2009

Video Game Junkies

I am sure most of you thought that this post would involve my husband and my son...WRONG!!!! I am not sure if Braden gets his video game addiction from his dad or from his Grandma Jancey! My mom has been a video game head ever since I can remember back in the day my mom and dad having Atari (yep, I said Atari) parties, with all of their friends gathering around the console tv downstairs while all of us kids were in bed asleep (or trying too - ha!) Mom has gone from Atari to Super Mario Bros. to Sonic the Hedgehog to Crash Bandicoot. She has gotten her grandson hooked on Crash so now every time we go to visit you can bet that if you cannot find my mom and Braden that they are upstairs playing their favorite game. Mom enjoys it because it is good quality time with her grandson and they just laugh and have a great time, I love watching them together...and we have to admit, Braden has become quite the little Crash player! Aren't they adorable :)


Another Stokes said...

Every time Braden is at my house in the past couple years he wants to play Crash Bandicoot as well... I have to admit that if I were to play a video game that would be the one I would pick. It is lots of fun!!!!

Terri said...

I just love how neither of them can takes their eyes of the screen long enough to pose for the shot. =) The middle photo is my favorite for that reason!!!