Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mickey Mouse Here We Come

We have finally booked our Walt Disney World Resort family vacation - YAY!!!! I am so excited, we leave for our vacation while Braden is on Spring Break and will be gone 5 nights and 6 days, ohhhh I am just so excited. I am not really sure who is more excited Braden or me! He understands that we are going on vacation and to Disney World, he just doesn't understand why we aren't leave tomorrow -ha! We plan on only visiting three of their parks (our pass is only for three days worth of Disney parks that I bought with the vacation package - I am sure we can add on if we change our mind when we get there), so we have to narrow it down between all of the great places to see. I would like to do a Universial Studios day for sure, and then that leaves one other full day to have as a miscellaneous day to go to the beach or do some other sight seeing of some sort. Anyway, I am counting down the days until we are in the warm Florida sun visiting Mickey Mouse and Cinderella's Castle!!!!


The Luebbert's said...

Oh, How exciting. can I stow away in your suitcase?

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and your family. I can't wait for the day when I can take my child to Disney World. You should put up a calendar so Braden can cross off the days! :)