Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July - Braden and Fireworks

So, this is the first year we haven't been camping over 4th of July weekend since Braden was born, which means we were not in a boat in the middle of a lake watching fireworks being shot off of an island. SO, for the first time in MANY MANY years, we headed to a firework stand to waste money for our five year old's enjoyment. He LOVED it! Doesn't he look like that "All American Boy" in the picture with the sparkler - I love love it! At first I was very scared to watch him light the fireworks, even under close supervision of his Dad and Uncle Quintin I was a nervous wreck. They ended up sending me inside to help in the kitchen so that I wouldn't interfere with their fun. Eventually I lightened up, and as you can see, he just kept lighting them well into the night!

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