It is official - the Allee family will be Florida bound again come this August. We have decided to do the Disney trip again for Braden's 9th birthday, but we have to celebrate it a smidgen early (darn the bad luck!) since his birthday falls during the first full week of school next year. We are super excited to have another family vacation planned! We are going to broaden our horizons this trip since Braden is a couple years older than the last time we went, and we are going to go to Universal Studios as well...so it will be a big week packed with Disney's Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Epcot, as well as Universal Studios, a day at the beach, and some family time enjoying a visit with a new arrival on the Allee side! We will be exhausted when we return home...sort of like needing a vacation from our vacation, but isn't that what vacations are all about sometimes! This Disney trip is going to be extra special this year, because we get to take Diana with us...Josh's cousin (my Jr. Bride from our wedding), who is turning 15 years old today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DI!). I cannot wait to update the blog with awesome pics of me and my favorite mouse - oh, I mean of Braden enjoying his birthday celebration at Disney (who is this vacation for anyway - ha!)!
I have to admit, I am a bit bummed out by the countdown that is provided at the top of the daily e-mails which are jam packed with vacation information, notice in the above pic...seeing 161 days until my vacation stinks because is seem SO FAR AWAY, but I guess the silver lining is that we are going on a vacation this year so it gives us something to look forward too!
We have a great summer planned between camping, spending time with family, Braden's sports, and now we get to end it with this wonderful family vacation!