This past weekend we had planned on going to Jefferson City to visit out of town family, and to visit friends and enjoy the one year birthday celebration of a very special boy...but we ended up being home bound yet another weekend. Earlier in the week Braden received an invitation to a birthday party for his best friend since preschool...but it was scheduled for Sunday at 2:00 p.m., and although I had already prepared the family for not coming to town this weekend, I was considering the trip anyway. Then, Thursday I got an e-mail from Braden's coach saying that a last minute planned practice had been scheduled for Saturday morning from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. I have to admit that I was really irritated about the practice, I was like "these are 2nd grade boys, what the hell, are we suppose to just live and breathe football?!?" Josh quickly responded with "Yes, as much as he enjoys this game, I am sure that is exactly what we are going to be doing for the next 12 years." Then we had decided that since we were going to be in town this weekend, then we really wanted to go see Diana race in her Soap Box Derby race. We had never had the opportunity to see her race, so this was perfect timing for us. I took Braden to practice and Josh headed over to the race track to help Diana with her car for the races. Braden and I headed that way as soon as practice was over...well I made him go home and shower first after practice - he was a VERY stinky boy! Next on our list of things to do this weekend was going to the Royal's vs. Chicago White Sox baseball game. Originally we were suppose to go to the Friday night game...but it was rained out and rescheduled for Saturday night as a double header night. Unfortunately, we didn't get our front row behind the dugout seats from Friday night, but we were on the front row of first level which were really good seats too! Braden had a blast, and Diana came with us too. Whew, so Saturday consisted of football practice, the soap box derby, and the Royals game! Then Sunday finally arrived and it was the big b-day party, the whole reason we stayed home this weekend to begin with - ha!!!!
1. Football Practice
The morning started early that day with getting up at 7:00 a.m. to have breakfast and then get the boy off to the fields for practice. This is the first practice I have attended...typically this is dad's job, but not this weekend since he was headed off to the race track for Diana. So, I get there, with my bottle of water and my book to read to bide my time while I waited for practice to get over. I never once cracked open that book of mine. It was soooo interesting watching them practice, I learned so much about the sport. For starters, I had NO idea that all those numbers the player calls out before hiking the ball actually mean something! I totally learned what those numbers mean, at least for Braden's team, Saturday morning. All of those drills that they have to do and then the scrimmage game was SO interesting, I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I have to admit that I was also SHOCKED that they run the drills they do for such a young group, I thought this would just be a easy let them enjoy the sport sort of thing....Nope, this is serious stuff ya'll! But oh so entertaining to watch, and when Braden does a good play he is soooo proud of himself! I am super psyched for a real game!!!
Diana raced in two double elimination races on Saturday as well. She did a totally AWESOME job. Her first race she placed third, and her second race she placed second - way to go Diana, we are so proud of you! Dave was doing a documentary on a gentleman that builds soap box cars and finds kids to race them for him, so he wasn't available to help Diana out with the moving of her car for the races, and Debby had hurt her back and wasn't feeling up to par, so Josh stepped in and offered his assistance for the day. Between you and me...and everyone else reading this post....I think he really enjoyed being that close to the action and knowing what was going on the tracks and with the other racers ;) Braden was TOTALLY hooked, and wanted to race a car too. Unfortunately that wasn't possible, but he did indicate to us that he would like to start doing that too - WHAT, like he doesn't do enough already! Anyway, Diana raced her little heart out, drove nice and straight down the track (most of the time) and had an awesome finish. She even beat out a girl this time around that she hasn't beaten before in their past races, very exciting stuff! I enjoyed watching her kick some butt on the track too. We are very proud of her achievements!
I love this picture, mostly because do you see Braden bending down checking it all out behind Aunt Debby. He was so cute and so interested in Diana's racing and her car. :)
Waiting in the shade for Diana's next heat. He was so cute, I cannot tell you how many times he asked me if he could race down the hill ;)
3. Royals vs. White Sox
Originally we were scheduled to go to the game on Friday night, we had our firm tickets, which are front row seats 1-4 right behind the dug out box. Saying that they were AWESOME seats doesn't even begin to describe how great they were. After the first couple of pitches of the game, the sky ripped open and a down pour proceeded to follow along with a horrible thunderstorm for several hours. The was postponed to Saturday night, making it a double header night for the Royals and White Sox. The only problem with that is...we didn't get our same seats, because the people who received our firm tickets to Saturday night's game had precedents over our seats. So we were reissued seats on the next level, row A, so they were still good seats, just not near as awesome. Braden could have cared less if we were in the nosebleed section, he cheered, and jumped, and danced, and had such a blast the whole game! The game turned out to be a fabulous one! It was the top of the 7th inning, and the Royals were losing 1-5, things weren't looking good. Then the next thing you know, the bases were loaded and Yuniesky Betancourt came up to bat. Ladies and gentlemen, we witnessed a Royal's Grand Slam, and Braden was was every other Royal's fan in the stadium. The crowd was pumped, the Royals were pumped, and the game was now 5-5. It went on for 5 more innings, that is right - 12 inning overtime game for the Royal's to fight hard and win it! Such a great game, one Braden will definitely remember for a long time - he was so proud of the Royal's! :)
Josh and Diana enjoying the Saturday night Royals Game.

Scoreboard showing the four runs from the grand slam in the top of the 7th inning

Victory! Look at the happiness in that little face, I just love it!
So it was a great weekend, full of doing fun stuff with the kiddo and family. Sorry that we didn't make it to JC this past weekend, but one day, our lives will slow down and we will make it there like we use day, like after Braden graduates high school - ha!