Braden posing with his mini Royals baseball bat he just HAD to have ;)
The boys singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", they were swaying and all, it was so fun watching them!
Just a neat experience all around with our little man and his friends!
Braden posing with his mini Royals baseball bat he just HAD to have ;)
The boys singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", they were swaying and all, it was so fun watching them!
Just a neat experience all around with our little man and his friends!
Braden getting in there to get the ball!
Defense, blocking that goal from a free kick - look at all those blond haired boys!
Going in for a goal! And in case you cannot see what name is on his shirt it says "Lightning", Braden chose this to be his nickname on the team, and that is what they all call him, it is rather cute actually listening to them all cheer for him calling him Lightning! hehehe ...and yes friends, Braden's soccer is #9, and no we didn't chose it, it was assigned to him -ha!
Watch out, he is getting ready to kick it!
This is my all time favorite pic though, look at that tongue sticking out, my only guess is that it is totally helping him concentrate more on the game and his role in it - ha!