Last weekend we spend Saturday in Sedalia so that Braden, Dad, and Grandpa Steve could build Braden's Rocket for the Boy Scouts Space Derby that took place tonight. If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty, Braden told his dad and grandpa how he wanted his rocket to look, and what color he wanted it to be and then they built it...too tedious for Braden at this point in the scouting ranks...but I am not sure if dad or grandpa would have given up the control to Braden anyway - ha! Well, the results are in and Dad and Grandpa did a FABULOUS job of building their very first Rocket for the derby. This derby is alot more laid back than the pine wood derby, there are no speed timers, official check and weigh in's, or any of the likes...nor are there trophies given to the winners of the derby. The boys race by and continue by process of elimination, the winners continue on racing. Braden's rocket won every race he was in, and he earned a bead for every race (five beads total). He was dubbed the overall winner of the derby, and earned another pen for his shirt like from the derby, that is the only pen handed out though for this derby, so it is very special to receive it. Way to go Braden, Dad, and Grandpa Steve!

...and they are off, Braden was very into setting his Rocket off, but look at it go!
Showing off his winning rocket...he had a blast!
Winding up the propeller, that was a very important part of how fast the rocket would go down the zip line.
VICTORIOUS! (I think Dad looks a little happy in this pic too - hehehe!)
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