Braden had his Spring program this evening. It was all seven first grade classes together singing their little hearts out for all the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, and everyone else that came to cheer them on. They were suppose to be dressed in "cowboy" attire, but we were limited to t-shirts and jeans, so I bought a red bandanna and called it good. By the looks of the other kiddos, their parents pretty much did the same thing :) Braden enjoyed himself, there were lots of smiles, and a bit of goofing around with his friends. It stinks that he is in the back row so we just get head shots, but I am pretty sure we will just need to get use to him being on the back row with the height of our little man ;) My camera did AWFUL taking pictures in that gymnasium, and we have an awesome camera, but the photographer forgot to change the setting (ahemmmm, I was the photographer tonight, so I cannot blame the crappy pics on my hubby this time - whooops!). Even though the quality of the pics are bad, Josh and I enjoyed watching our little man have so much fun!

The kids are so proud to be Prairie View Bulldogs - Braden loves to wear his spiritwear to school!
The kids made the banner in art class - way cute! ;)
They are shouting "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" - cute song for them to sing :)
I thought it was cute seeing the kids point out their families to each other :)
Here he is just enjoying himself singing right along - I am so glad I don't have a shy timid little man.
This is a video clip of the program when they sang, Take Me Out to the Ball Game. It is adorable, and watching Braden sway back and forth and be goofy just makes me laugh out loud - I just love my little guy and watching him!