Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas in the Park

Every year Longview Lake has a huge Christmas light display called Christmas in the Park. Josh, Braden and I pile in the car and head out at some point during the holiday season. We decided to venture out last weekend at around 10:00 p.m., thinking that we would be able to breeze through the display since we decided to go out so late...we were wrong. There were cars bumper to bumper for miles ahead and behind us. But it is so much fun listing to Christmas music and watching Braden in the anticipation of seeing all the lights...not to mention seeing his face light up when we have finally made it to the display itself! I had Josh take some picks of our favorite parts of the display. The pictures don't do it justice at all, but hopefully you get the idea of how grand of a display it is. We had such a great family night looking at the lights in Christmas in the Park!

This is the face of..."Mom hurry up and take my picture so that i can look at the lights again!" I tried to capture on film the look of excitement, but what i got was the look of irritation because I was interrupting his light gazing time.

Here are some of the cars in front of us...and we aren't even close to the entrance of the display!

This was my favorite display at the park, it was new this year.

I also LOVE the holy arch of my favorites every year to see!

Braden had to have dad get a shot of Santa Claus, this was his favorite display...I love all of the other lights around him in the background throughout the park.

We all thought the gingerbread house and kids on the trampoline was adorable too. :)

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