Me, Gordon, Courtney, Kade, Drew & Angie

Me, Gordon, & Angie - three siblings

Me, Courtney (my niece), and Angie

Gordon & his two boys - Kade & Drew

Me, Gordon, Courtney, Kade, Drew & Angie
Me, Gordon, & Angie - three siblings
Me, Courtney (my niece), and Angie
Gordon & his two boys - Kade & Drew
Braden and Daddy down in the middle of the preshow...Braden wasn't tall enough to see everything, so daddy made sure he didn't miss a thing! :)
Here is Braden standing in between the jugglers throwing pins...hard to see since I was so close, but I didn't have time to scoot back, and if I did there would have been way too many people in the way to get a decent shot...so this is what I ended up with.
Braden and Josh's favorite part is when they put 7 motorcycles in this steel ball, and then they started going crazy driving all over the place in it...WAY cool they thought! :)
Here is a shot of the motorcycles in action...hard to keep up with the camera!
I love the tigers...could you imaging THIS massive beast jumping at you?!?
Ahhhh, I loved the elephants too :)
This was a "HOW DO THEY DO THAT" shot, can you tell :)
For the past several weeks, the Allee's have been spending our Saturday mornings at the football fields. Braden loves it, and we enjoying spending our time watching him run the ball down the field, or run his butt off to get to the flag of the opponents. Terri and her kiddos joined us for the game...she is such a great Aunt, she has made it to every one of his games and plans on coming to tomorrow's game too :) I am quite the cheerleader, it is in my blood, so I wasn't really getting too many good shots with the camera, I didn't want to miss anything by looking at the screen on the camera...which I think was bothering Terri because eventually she took the camera away from me and took the pictures for us :) It was a beautiful morning, and the Titans played a great game :). I hope you enjoy some new pics of our little man playing football!
Hard to tell because I didn't zoom in, but this is a picture of Braden running the ball down the field - GO BRADEN!
Our favorite spectators...the Ham's with all their game day gear :)
Last Friday, Braden has his Back-to-School Bash at Prairie View. He was stoked to go and play with all of his friends! I was a good mom, and did my duty of parent volunteer and ran one of the activities while Josh performed his fatherly duty by following Braden from one bouncy house to the next, and to the games and so forth...all with camera in hand :) He had a blast, played until the whole bash shut down. I love this age, we have so much fun together and operate so well as a family - LOVE IT! Here are some pictures Josh snapped of Braden while trying to keep up with him!