Presents and the Spongebob Squarepants cupcakes

Blowing out the candles...the boys were ALL waiting for one of those cupcakes!

Cheese! This is before we all took off to the laser tag arena...they were SUPER excited!

Poor guy, this is the instructor trying to get ALL of these boys under control to tell them the rules and how to play the game...notice that my dad is in teh back there with a vest on! :)

Grandpa Mark wasn't the only grown up with a vest on...I think that somehow the grown men were enjoying this game with all the 7 year old boys, just as much as the kiddos were -ha!

Braden and Daddy are after each other...then compared scores when the game was over to see who ranked higher! I love watching them have their father/son moments!

Olivia and Ethan weren't into the whole laser tag thing...but they sure had fun running around the arena creating yet another obsitcal for all the boys playing laser tag :)

Present time...this picture just made me laugh because the boys got closer and closer to Braden each present he opened, it was so funny watching all their excitment of opening presents when Braden opened the one they picked out and brough

Once we got them home it was time for my boys to tear into them. Uncle Brett got Braden a nurf gun...and he has a few others already, so he had to go and grab another one while daddy was putting together this one so they could have a nurf gun fight...

Too bad daddy was quicker and got both guns...he looks like he is having WAY too much fun playing with Braden's toys!!!
Braden hiding from Daddy shotting all those nurf things at him...I think he was having just as much fun being the target as Daddy was at trying to hit the target! They have so much fun playing together.