It is the first game of the season, and it was a very good game and a great experience for Braden. The game is played with only three kiddos from each team on the field at a time. It is obviously a much smaller field than the big kids play on, and there is no goalie either with this age group. So, it is basically six boys out there going for the ball, pretty adorable! Braden's team won 9 to 3 :)

They were in the middle of the game and Braden notices I am taking pictures, so he stops playing and poses with a smile, it was funny, but then I had to yell at him to get his butt moving and pay attention to the game!

Power kick - Braden played the center position the first half of the game.

Braden and Jett were the bench warmers for a small portion of the game, they were very attentive to what was going on in the field while they were sitting it out.

Braden got a hold of the ball here and took it all the way down to make a goal, he was very proud of himself, as we were, along with his team, when he made his first goal for the season!

He was running his little butt off while playing, I just don't know how he didn't fall when I look at this picture and see the positioning of his body!

Braden going in for the steal!

Just a shot of the kiddos playing the game, I think it is cute because you can really see Braden's size compared to the other players :)